The following alumni have requested their names be placed on the RSVP List, indicating that they plan to attend the reunion. Some of the alumni listed may not yet have purchased their reunion ticket.
Mike Adams | Leisa Allen |
Julie Alspach Walker | Renee Andrade Woodall |
Julie Anthony Arcemont | Amy Baker Saflar |
Drew Bieler | Chris Blunt |
Laurel Boline Abbott | Madeleine Brady Lapke |
Peggy Calhoun Alexandros | William Childers |
Dara Cionca-andronescu | Kerri Danil |
Heidi Darby Zadeyan | Mark Davidson |
Karen Davis Alcide | Maureen Dye |
Noel Eckert Owens | Danielle Farr |
Gary Frank | Christina Fritzges Kwik |
Chris Ganci | Marinella Giarratana Len |
Melanie Green Goodman | Christopher Grey |
Jori Haller Arancio | Tanissha Harrell |
Ari Harrison | Krista Holst Aguero |
Jennifer Isom | Caroline Jones North |
Valerie Kermoal | Andrew Kerwin |
Valerie Kessler Bursey | Robyn Kimura Hsu |
Vicki King | Michael Kornberg |
Mark Lamont | Shawn Lemons Le Mons |
Debbie Levy Hanoch | Matt Lewis |
Randall Lind | Andrea Ludden |
Brian Lynn Lynn | Shannon Maul Baker |
Carrie Mccarty Kunitz | Megan Mccormick Del Muro |
Dan Melroy | Andrea Mohr Kerns |
Larry Moiola | Sara Morris Holliday |
Sabrina Moss | Arta Motadel |
Melissa Moyers Reeves | Leslie Nakashima Crowell |
Fredrik Nystrom | Miguel Ortiz |
Jennifer Pendleton Whitmer | Lynda Picone Deede |
Brian Pratt | Laura Preisman |
Christopher Prescott | Gabby Quick Mosley |
Maria Ramos | Giovanna Richman Carr |
Matthew Rosenberg | Jennifer Rudolph Bartz |
Kristina Schwartz Linker | Nathan Smith |
Stephen Smith | Evan Sprague |
Audrey Stephan | Mark Sutherland |
Marc Tamsky | Katie Tribolet Driscoll |
Karla Ulrich Contreras | Brian Walsh |
Danny Walshaw | Aly Ware Palmerin |
Jennifer Warner Warner Grey | Aurora Webster Chelette |
Kate Werwage | Cristin Williams Strain |
Tim Yu | Alejandra Zepeda Lane |